Take Action by Contacting Fox News Sponsors
Each month we use our data to choose two Fox
News Channel sponsors from the previous month, and ask you to pick one to contact by email, or
on Facebook or Instagram. These two were among top sponsors for July 2023:
Brands Advertised
Contact Info
Procter and Gamble
Bounce, Cascade, Downy, Charmin
message text for this month:
Dear [Company Name],
I was disappointed to learn that you ran ads on Fox News Channel and were among its top sponsors in July of 2023. Major
corporations have a responsibility to not amplify extreme hateful
partisan content. Yet using your dollars, Fox News politized the successful Barbie movie, turing using it to push right wing talking points with ludicrous chyrons
like "Barbie Gets a Woke Makeover". Fox News also continued to falsely report about the Biden administration with chyrons such as "New Concerns Over Biden Family Scandals".
Is this kind of false divisive content what your company supports?
I'm writing to ask you to end your sponsorship of one-sided Fox News Channel. The content is only getting more
extreme. It is the right thing for your brand and for our democracy. As a consumer, going forward I plan to
find alternatives to brands that continue to sponsor Fox News Channel.
Thank You
Estimates of top sponsors are based on daily sampling of advertisements on Fox News Channel excluding overnight, nonprofit
local ads, and cable provider promos.
Read about the methodology and see all data files, including individual sample records, in our GitHub repository.